Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
I'm somewhat insulted by the English name, though. "Wild strawberries" implies that they're inferior to strawberries, while the Swedish word "smultron" often can be used in a phrase to describe something especially good. The most common expression involving "smultron" is "smultronställe" (a place where you find wild strawberries), which is used to describe an unspoiled and unexploited pearl (figuratively speaking). [/rant]
Eh. Only if one believes that wild things are inherently bad or inferior to domesticated things.

I doubt many people that actually think believe that wolves are somehow inherently inferior to dogs. Superior in a number of ways, in fact.

I'm actually jealous though, of people who manage to find wild strawberries that are good. We have 'em over here in places and it appears they vary between "tasteless drops of red-colored water" and "delicious." Still, I only seem to get the tasteless drops of water when I go looking for 'em, despite having them grow around the house I lived in for most of High School.