I'm giddy with the elixir of returned multiquote. No more "open in new tab"! It's been a lifetime!

Quote Originally Posted by Marillion View Post
Us quiet people are scary. Apparently, people confuse "being quiet" with "he doesn't like me"/"she's so stuck up she won't talk to anyone" and so they ignore us.
Annoyingly, you're probably right.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
DeeRee's not intimidating.
She's awesome. And taller than me.
I know for a fact that should we ever meet we'd get on like a house on fire. Then again, you sound more than a little bit like me, and I don't find you intimidating, so you're not intimidating, because I'm not intimidating.
I am taller than you. Awesome is subjective. But then, so is intimidating, I suppose.

But a house on fire indeed. We really must one day arrange a meeting.

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
You certainly give off the air online of someone who could be believed to be absolutely disgusted or turned off completely by the idea of dating anyone ever.
Hehehe. More that I'm too much a romantic, really. My idea of "datable" is "could see myself spending the rest of my life with". Which isn't very practical at the age of not-quite-nineteen. Though as a matter of fact there sort of is a boy, or would be, if he didn't live in Seattle and if he weren't a poor long-distance communicator. Alas for distance.

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
Being quiet also, of course, can contribute (and contribute quite ...dramatically). It depends on how you are about initiating conversations and if your body language betrays that you really don't want to be talking regardless of whether you actually want to or not.
See, I'm perfectly happy to have conversations with people and I do initiate them. On the other hand this is a relatively recent development, given that at one time I was cripplingly shy. I dunno.

This was your daily dose of narcissistic introspection. I'll shut up now.