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Thread: Why Pun-Pun Doesn't Work

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: Why Pun-Pun Doesn't Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimystik View Post
    You probably didn't intend it that way, but this can be taken as very insulting to DMs that have run games with Pun-Pun in them.
    I could amend that to take the long form.

    Any DM that allows Pun-Pun in their game either lacks common sense, is dangerously passive, lacks a reasonably complete understanding of the mechanics of DnD, or is running a joke campaign and doesn't care.

    Basically, what senrath said.

    Anyways, this hasn't really been a fruitful discussion. Every one agrees that no player could get away with Pun-Pun at the table. The argument seems to be over whether something can work in theory but not in practice, which seems pretty obvious to me.
    Last edited by Connington; 2010-07-15 at 02:39 PM.