
"Sorry, but I do not have need for that at the moment. Thank you much for offering it though, it looks quite useful to say the least." Seln went into his lab for a moment to tinker for a little while, and comes back out to eat a nice meal of fungus with a side of bonemilk.


Seln looks up after his meal, and glares at the empty seat of the arbiter. How did she do that? "No matter, for I have business to attend too." As he gets up, he stops suddenly. He senses a great disturbance in the... f..f...Fiddlesticks of the universe. Most likely that thing that heretic had talked about had struck again! Annoying... "I must be ready to strike soon, for this thing can not get to dangerous. He walks out of the fortress, and is surprised by the abundance of life. "Quite impressive" He thinks to himself, as he flies back and over the fortress, passing over the main area where the boneborn live. He smiles at their technological achievements, for they already have crossbows and some sort packet they throw which explodes. Very nice, but not nice enough. He wishes he could help them further, but that might break the "Charter" and he doesn't have the power. He keeps flying, shooting up into the stars, leaving behind trails of darkness.


He lands on Limbo, and looks around. (Shadowleaf, if you are still playing, I can take all of this back. I am assuming you don't want to play, as you haven't posted in a month.) He observes the inhabitants, looking on their wonders. He found what seemed to be their capital, and flitted through the city as a dark cloud. He shoots up into the dark, creepy, central palace, and forms in front of the leader on some sort of evil throne, who was talking to some courtiers

"Hello. I am your friend, and I come to help you, and I hope you will let me. My name is Kern, and I am from a secret organization that goes by the name of 'The Masters of the Undeath'." As the guards started to point mortal weapons at him, he conjures a black slate, and shows it to the people in the room. Images spring to life on it, showing Limbo, mostly its dark and barbaric side "Look upon our world. It is advanced, but your people are still in the dark ages compared to what we could give them! We could give your people the power to create explosions at will, to re-use the dead, and to even fly! Endless possibilities, endless... Any questions?"

He had quite a few appearently, and Seln ended up spending a week in mortal time there, talking and conversing with the king. After that, they came to an agreement. In exchange for leading the civilization (which ruled a good 30% of the population of the planet), and being able to animate the dead, he would teach his people new technologies and wonders.

At the final deal, Seln spoke to the populace;

"Hello, I am your new main advisor to the king! I know that through our powerful leaders and my efforts, we will advance our interests ten fold, and we will prosper." There was very little cheering, as these people were very calm. "As a joint decision, we will no longer be known as humans, but as the Dark Elves, for this shows our superiority over others! All hail King Teluk, lord of the Dark Elves!" This a good amount of cheering, which wasallot for Dark Elves.

Over the next few mortal years, Seln watches over the nation, only occasionally checking back in on the Great Hall. He shaped their growth, granting some bursts of great knowledge, all the while keeping a facade of dusty advisor. He also raised a church under another name, un-beknownsgt among everyone, even the king. The church taught the Ideals of Seln, and raised many followers, although 80+% most still followed Azrathar.

Act 1: Grant the dark elves of Limbo the ability to create and manipulate dark energy, giving birth to more distructive branches of the necromancy school of magic.

Act 2: Grant the knowledge to the Dark Elves how to streamline everything, making poverty non-existant, crime rare (for punishment reasons only in most cases). Also, grant them spurts of divine intelligence here and there, so they get the concept of gears, and make some interesting yet overly non-effective items (I.e. Automatic Mill, simple conveyer belts, stuff like that). This will take another act to really get off the ground.

Its 2:00 AM, so I most likely got something huge wrong.