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Thread: Godhood IC

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Godhood IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    Cold House

    Nova's mechanical face grows wide with shock when the Arbiter blames her of breaching the second law, but then she shakes her head with a chuckle to try and make up for her moment of weakness. "Madame Arbiter, if I might interject, I believe myself to be innocent of all charges. On the first count - they had been abducted by an unknown structure, and fundamental changes seemed to have occurred to their bodies. Am I not the goddess of Science? They fell within my domain, then.

    Furthermore, I refused the prince of shadows on his request to have his creations returned to him, for he threatened me and mine and roared with rage, accusing me of obscenities and acting without restraint or reason. Am I to simply crumble before him, then, and teach him that such behavior is acceptable within the divine sphere? If so, Madame Arbiter, then I will admit that perhaps I was to blame, for wishing to teach the prince of shadows a lesson.

    But he has declared war on me for this, recklessly rampaged through my laboratory, and even ordered his creations to destroy everything I had within. Though I would love to come to the Great Hall and explain everything to the Divine Council, I am afraid - afraid for my people, afraid for the very planet that they dwell upon. Hodari is not merely a trespasser in the law - he is a danger to everything that irks him, a loose cannon that fires wherever it will! It is for this reason that I called you here, in hopes that you would be able to restrain him - but alas, I was forced to take matters into my own hands, seeing as you were... elsewhere."
    "I am sorry that I didn't interject earlier, but I wished to know just how far you and Hodari would go, otherwise two possible law-breakers may have gotten off with a warning. And you should know, Hodari is in quite allot of trouble at the moment, maybe more than you. Still, when he asked for his creations back, you clearly refused him. It matters not how they came to you or how they were altered, they are still his creatures. It is not your place to teach gods lessons, for you are all equal in this universe. I will sympathize with you though, since you have suffered casualties and he got his creations back in the end. I will not harm your creations or you, but know that I am watching you. If you see this.. foul creation again, notify me! That goes for you too-" Once Ka'Lexx interjects, the Arbiters small frown turns into a glare, and she glares at him for about five seconds, mulling it over. "I shall not intervene unless another god complains. But if another god does, force of nature or not, I will be forced to remove their creations from it if you won't, causing as little damage as possible. Violations of the charter will not be tolerated. And Nova, I will install this to make sure I can be here to intervene quicker, if he comes back. " With that, she pulls a small ball of flame out from her chest, and places it far above the coldhouse. It will report to the arbiter whenever a divine touched being comes across its view, which is pretty much the entire city, and maybe other times. It will not go inside the Cold House unless to follow a angry hostile god.

    "If you have any objections, say them now, for I have to go catch Hodari."
    Last edited by Sir; 2010-07-16 at 07:05 PM.
    The Coolest Villan Ever!
    Quote Originally Posted by Pink View Post
    "By jove, I quite believe this example of a pious warrior-priest will soon face the velocity of my greatclub in short order."