Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
It's dawn though. Granted, there're more dayish parts of the day than dawn, but it's dawn when the day is shiny and new and hasn't provided anything at all towards making it a disappointing day.
And I've started reading it. Interesting, but could be better written. Vetinari would never say 'sure as hell'.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Yeah, it is a bit weird when that happens.
My dad's fine with meetups and the sort; he trusts me. Mum trusts me, but noone else.
But she's going to have to start getting used to it soon. I've had her on training wheels since I ioined this site, sooner or later she's got to start cycling on her lonesome.
Well, at this point you've not only travelled a long-distance to meet these strange internet people for a weekend, you've also shared a room with one! *Le gasp* If she doesn't get used to it I imagine that could be a problem for her.

Quote Originally Posted by Phase View Post
My folks would probably be a bit disappointed if they knew how much of my information I've been letting slip. Hell, I don't think they even know I have a Facebook, or would approve. I figure my judgement is good enough to side with the right group of secret murderers on the internet, namely those who would roll a die to see how many times they should stab you.
And then roll another one to see if each stab actually hits or if you dodge it. Then a 3rd to see if you survive.

Quote Originally Posted by Cobalt View Post
Pfft. What kind of person goes to bed at midnight?