The lead Boris leaps down from the roof, striding towards the travelers. With a growl, it steps on the long messy grass of the Professor's property...

With a blur, the Boris is suddenly slammed to the side. You cannot see the cause of it, but the Boris has now been decapitated.

The remaining Boris's look at each other in confusion. A second one comes down, gingerly onto the grass. Almost immediately, the talon is severed. With the limb missing, the monster falls upon the grass. For a second, you can see a blue-brown blur, and the second Boris is cleanly dissected--lengthwise.

One of the remaining Boris's flees. The other continues to stare down at you from the rooftop, not budging.


At the touch of Crugretor's magic, the elder's breathing becomes a little less forced, but there is no other visible change. The elder cannot help but chuckle slightly at this.

"Sonny, I've seen a lot of things in my life. I've wrestled with Gilgamesh. I've aided in the construction of the Great Tower. I've witnessed firsthand the meteor fall upon the Burning Lands. Let's face it: I'm old. I don't think a little magic is going to fix that. You seem like a good kid though. Here, why don't you have this."

Seemingly amused, the old elf pulls an object out of his pocket and hands it to Crugretor. It is a small pebble, as smooth as polished glass, with a doughnut-like hole in the center.

Glenn expresses surprise, "Father, when did you get one of..."

The elder once again chuckles. "I've been in bed all day, I need something to do with my hands don't I?"

The elder puts on a more serious face.

"I don't have much longer now. You will have to find a way to lead the tribe in my absence."

"B..but father! You know I do not have the gift to such a degree as you and the other tribesmen! I don't know if I am cut out for..."

The elder places his hand over Glenn's and smiles. "Son, I am certain you will make the right choice. Now, why don't you let me rest. I am old, and quite tired."

The elder turns onto his side and begins snoring loudly. With his face down-turned, Glenn gestures for Crugretor to follow him out of the tent.

"Come," he says, "Let's find a place for you to camp for the night."