
Butler looks at Marley looking for something. "Need help with something sir?"

Turning his attention to Susan, he replies. "I was sent here to balance the see-saw ma'am. Have you seen one ma'am?"

Because we want to hold three conversations at once, Butler asks Quinn. "Is Mrs. Amakirr around ma'am? I'd like to speak with her ma'am."

Jazirian gets left out.

Presuming Nadas gets his Iced Tea, he largely eats and drinks in silence, until something occurs to him and he turns to Charity.
"Has there been any progress on the rescue mission for Phoenix while I was incapacitated?"

[Outside Guest Cabin Area]
It's probably a good thing that, to my knowledge, both Sunny and Charity have never met flaming hawt Reinholdt and know not what he looks like. I know flaming hawt Reinholdt ran from Charity on sight once. She frightens him. On the flipside though, Reinholdt has never met Sunny.

Why is this important? Well it may or may not come up because after a session or three with Liquid Agony at Trogs, broken leg Reinholdt C is returning here for the time being, heading to the Guest Cabin. Largely because Tobias is at GLoG. He might visit Melody or Vasilisa or Phoenix, but he is either too ashamed to or doesn't know where they are. And he'll get around to seeing Hannah when he needs more Agony, he's sure.