Thanks, this probably will help quite abit, ill have to save it somewhere.

I wanted to keep the base of the strandard elf and warp the details to be appropriate to the idea.

The elves im envisioning are kind of an amalgamation of alot of different cultures takes on the elf. A common theme being elves as a much more unpleasant folk than the typical dnd elf. Now that I think of it, the fae from the second Hellboy movie come to mind.

Dark elves on the other hand are going to be based largely on the Svartálfar, the Norse dark elves. Ive decided they are what remains of the elves that were left behind, embittered, avaricious survivors. Their going to be abit less otherworldly than their Fair cousins.

for reference, i decided to change up the elves in my setting after reading this article