Sorry for how long it took me to reply! I'm all up for rolling those listen checks as quickly as possible, it'l be easier to strike conversations after some action to introduce us all.

Kian is squatting by the fire, poking at the embers with a thin, dry stick occasionally pulling it out to watch the fire devour the wood ravenously. The men around him were people he had grown up with, but tonight they seemed oddly silent, they couldn't already be tired from the travelling? Kian shrugged the thought away, and instead rested his eyes on Dearg's axe. An mean, deadly thing and yet it was still hauntingly beautiful in it's inherent danger. Kian poked his own javelins. They were not as scary as the axe, but Kian had proved before he could more than hold his own in a fight with them, they sure were better for hunting than for piercing the hearts of men though, that was for sure.

For days he had been mentally preparing for the Rite of Settlement. If only they could return quickly, what stories he could tell! What legends he would be the hero of! Oh, and the women he could seduce with the tribe safely settled in a land ripe with life. Kian continued this inner monologue until his wooden stick had burned out, picked up another and fed the flames anew. Soon, he'd be tired enough to sleep...