Progress, Planet

There are a thousand ways to change the world. For better or worse, any mortal has the chance to do so. Gods may lay claim to changes still greater. But of all things, change is drawn in greatest amounts from the simple passage of time.

And time... none can hold it back. And so it was that time passed in the land of Progress. The days turned into weeks... the weeks folded into months... the months gradually fell away into years. And the years rolled by...

Seven years passed as the wheels of innovation turned, and changed the world along with them. Seven years, in which learning and education thrived as never before. Seven years of constant invention and revolutionary thought. Seven years... of Progress.

People of all nations banded together, and thus was born the Allied Nations of Progress. Long had they Five ever leaned on each other for support, but now at last they could truly consult each other and seek a path for mutual gain.

Indeed, all benefited greatly from the the spread of the telegraph, and it's much newer (and easier to operate) cousin - the telephone. The flow of knowledge ever quickened as vast distances were contracted to nothing. Vast ministries often spent days doing nothing but updating and redistributing new knowledge. For the first time, cliques could truly remain cohesive even if members left to travel across Progress.

And all over every nation, technology was put to new and more innovative uses. For the average citizen, every new invention seemed to make life a little easier... a little more comfortable. Machines to chill food, or channel heat more efficiently. Factories - once dangerous places where a single mistake could lead to horrid injury - were steadily refined and improved. Before long, factory production became the rule, rather than the exception.

Even medicine grew more bold in its accomplishments. Diseases and maladies once thought untreatable became cured - in some cases, with an almost embarrassingly easy method. Each passing year brought new insights into the nature of disease, and new tools with which to fight it.

In short... life was looking up. Never before had such a time existed - a time of learning, of constant change and innovation. Some historians were already dubbing it the Enlightenment...

But to most, it was enough to simply call it Life. A time when unhappiness was a simple breakthrough away from banishment, and sickness and poverty were beaten, tattered shadows of their former menace. And above all else... a time of hope.

OOC: Actions!
AP 14
- 3 (Bless - Population of Progress) x 3
- 3 (Raise DR from 11 to 12)
- 5 (Bless - Population of Progress) x 5
- 3 (Raise DR from 12 to 13)

Now, I'll admit, the Blesses are a little lazy - they represent a wide variety of different things, but I kinda figured 8 AP worth should cover about all of them. Most of them simply represent advancing technology, and a general increase in the level of society. For example, all the little quality-of-life inventions that don't warrant AP expenditure on their own, or new and improved versions of things I spent AP to acquire when they were much less potent. In essence, I'm just renewing my leases on everything from guns to medicine.

Additionally, it's a sort of prosperity slider, turned up to max. The nations' economies are booming, harvests are at record highs (largely thanks to new farming techniques and equipment) and the vast majority of Progress citizens are happy, healthy, well-fed, and well-educated.

The Nations are probably the closest thing this setting has seen to a Utopia... for now. Obviously, Stuff Happens. But this is a golden age for the Saerites, and science in general.

The DR increases are, of course, from the ever-greater hold technology has in the mortal world. That much advancement has to have some sort of effect on the Maiden of Invention.