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Thread: Lords of Creation - What Shall Be (IC)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Mike_the_Mystic's Avatar

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - What Shall Be (IC)

    A God is Born - Despair

    The cries of pain were growing weaker. "Progress" as it was, was destroying the balance. Medicines and treatments were making natural death a thing of the past. And so there was a need for balance, a need for something, or someone, to reinstate it. And thus a god was born.

    Arising in a deep green mist, a large, portly figure emerged. His skin, as dark a green as the mist that formed him, was covered in boils, and sores, some open to reveal maggots and flies consuming the flesh. All around him, a swarm of gnats and locusts had formed, and at his feet, the skittering of a thousand cockroaches was to be heard.

    "What is this?" the being asked, opening his eyes to reveal golden orbs, like little suns. "Why is there no balance? Now the weak thrive as the strong do? WHY? They don't need to be suffering on this world, they need to be released from their fleshy prisons, away from the torment of life! I must help the little ones who release them, for the horrible people have destroyed them, and have made the weak live on in torment!"

    He felt the weak cries of help coming from those who needed it. They looked healthy, but they were in fact, suffering. Life was for those who could survive it, not for those who needed outside influence. They had to be released, they had to die.

    But first, a name. The deity looked around the area, only to find ruin. Dead beings were everywhere, rotting from years of being left out. This was a no-man's land, a land where only death was. He picked up one of the bodies, and searched it. He found something, a piece of metal with words on it. "Ky...thon..." He said as he read the words. "My name is Kython...But what next?" After some thinking, Kython knew what he had to do as he looked at the dead body.

    He had to make things like this on his own. He began by stripping the flesh off the humanoid, leaving only muscle and everything underneath. Next, he put a bit of spark into the cavities that would have held his eyes. New, yellow ones were in their place. He sculpted their teeth, to be sharp and pointy all around, and then with an added touch, took some of the oozing from his sores and smeared it upon the body, giving the body immunity to the diseases that were his masters. The body burst into boils, and sores, and Kython smiled. He breathed life into the creature, now a slimy, sinister-looking wretch.

    "I will call you a Kythid" Kython said in a happy voice. "Now remember, I am your master, your father. Be a good son to me and multiply. Multiply and spread my gifts to those who need it, those who are too weak to survive, as an act of kindness and love to your fellow mortal, okay?" The creature smiled, then frowned a bit as it threw up something. It was a smaller version of it, complete with the festering boils and the toothy, kind grin it had on its face. "Good job my sons!" Kython said with an even more cheery voice, as he was proud of his son's achievement, and his new son's birth "Now go do as I have said!". Both nodded their heads with agreement and skipped joyfully off, voimiting up other brothers as they went...
    "They grow up so fast!" Kython said with a smile, and a tear (Or possibly the ooze from a boil near his eye) drizzled down his left cheek. Feeling a bit tired, he sat down and scried upon his boys, watching them give their gift to the weak animals that were in the surrounding area, releasing them from the mortal frame within moments of contact. He was so proud of his boys, doing what was right...


    Create Populace: Kythids 20-2=18
    Last edited by Mike_the_Mystic; 2010-08-12 at 04:05 PM.
    Here's something you may not have considered: being torn asunder HURTS.
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