Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Lies. The rule accomodates 'count as' as it applies to Wargear. Not whole, actual models. As I've said before, there aren't too many people who will complain when you tell them that the wargear on the model is actually 'nothing', which is what the example in the box is.

'Count As' is not an officially supported rule, in the rulebook. And your opponents and more than a few tournaments that I've seen overseas (not in my area, that is) are fully within their rights to deny you your Count As models. There aren't too many people that will. But, 'Count As' is not in the rulebook, and WYSIWYG is. I know which takes precedence.

Count As, is a policy developed by GW to accommodate creativity and diversity within the hobby. It's not very often people talk about it, because it's not part of the rules, and that's why you don't see too many people (except veteran hobbyists) who actually use the policy.
However, like I've said about six hundred times, if your model either
a) Doesn't conform to the rules, including base size and LoS equivalents or
b) Doesn't look anything like the thing you're saying that it is

They don't have to allow it.
The page seemed to be suggestion an equivalent to counts as, at least. Although I suppose that 'Common Sense is not RAW' so w/evs.

Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Because you said Power Weapon and Iron Halo. != Crozius Arcanum and Rosarius.
Well I meant that I don't see why the rules bother stopping it, but eh. Still works, I guess.

Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Wildly? Link or it didn't happen.
How strange, I don't seem to have bookmarked every poorly written lest I ever saw. Tragic.

Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Here are some lists that follow my format. Not exactly. But, you can see the format is pretty clear and very similar to mine. Here's some lists from Dakka. One of the foremost 40K forums on the 'net.
Your honour, the prosecution rests.

Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Except of course that the defence is right. I just like saying that "the prosecution rests'.