Raffy the Sparrowhawk

The Sparrowhawk seems content to spend penny after penny and err on the side of over-paying rather than short-changing the kids. When they run off to hunt rats he cheers them on, as he does any time he sees citizens heeding the Captain's poster.

As twilight engulfs the city, however, he becomes more and more edgy. Once they have completed the maps he seems downright unsettled.

"I haven't seen the pamphlets," he says absent-mindedly. Then: "Pieter, you seem lively, can you deliver the map to the Captain? This sickness is getting to me. I think I need to return to my lodging."

If Pieter won't do it he'll take the map himself and promise to deliver it in the morning. Then he bids adieu, and heads off on his own down the city streets, picking up the pace whenever he sees rats in the gloam.

LCP only:

Is there any kind of salve or anything I might be able to get from the Doc that might allow me to recover a Wound or two? I am really worried the rats are going to try to murder me tonight.

If so I'll stop by the Doc's, if not I'll go to the place where I'm lodging tonight

Either way please consider that I make frequent Perception checks to see if any of the others are following me. If I don't have to go to the Doc's then I'll use a few extra minutes to vary my route through the streets, head toward the Tongs a bit first, etc., to lose any tails.