Quote Originally Posted by Caustic Soda View Post
My question isn't about a PC game as such, but I suppose it is still tangentially relevant.

When I was 6-8 or so, the kindergarden I went used to have an old television/console on which we could play games. I am unsure whether it was a NES or something else. In any case the game was a platform RPG-ish thing with sprites. I *think* it was in 16 colors, but it may have been more. There were three different areas, city, caves and castle. In these areas you would be attacked by the inhabitants, who were thieves, monsters, and ladies with handbags respectively. There were three types of classes you could switch between, thief, mage and knight. If you were the appropriate class, mage for caves etc., then the local residents would not attack you. The three classes had subcategories, of which I only really remember the mages. One could shoot fireballs, one could levitate, and one could walk through a lavafall. I can't remember if there was any text to go along with it, and in any case I couldn't read English at the time. There were some cutscenes which showed a guy with a crown, with another guy with a crown shackled to a pillar in his throne room. We called the guy on the throne the 'evil king', and looking back he was probably an evil usurper or something. In any case, the game had you fight him, and some kind of Black Knight, at the finale, IIRC.

I remember the game relatively well, but I have absolutely no idea what it was called, or even what console it was on. I think I would recognize it if I saw it, though.
Wizards and Warriors III, for the Nintendo Entertainment System.