The Masked One floated, deep in thought, in a casual sitting position. Every second new information poured into his head, until suddenly, a flood of cries came. From the Disk. The Swarm. It seemed the Madgod had acted against it. Changers watched the spectacle from their viewpoints across the Black City. ...a new weapon?... I need more information on the Madgod.. Then he sensed it. A gathering. One had the taint of the Madgod....but the other... it was the new gods, surely! Hrothlar was not with them. He supposed it was as good a time as any, to introduce himself properly. Moments later, he teleported himself to their location.

As he appeared before them, he stifled a laugh. "It is a nursery! All of the Little Gods are here! Welcome to the universe, new ones. I hope you have enjoyed your stay so far...despite your...welcome. I take it you are rallying against the MadGod, and his allies. Whatever preconceptions you may have about me, new ones, know that I am opposed to the Madgod. You can trust me in that. "