She was all that had been promised and more. With this fight, he would either prove, at long last, he was no longer a flawed being, or perish in the attempt, and welcome at last the sweet embrace of death.
With that in mind, he hefts Edwards corpse, or what's left of it, and tosses it at Bella's feet. "You consort proved a minor distraction, hardly a worthy test of my power. You, on the other hand, I suspect will test me adequately." He says clenching his hands into fists. "Come meet the reaper."

"Now that is a nice cloak. Fitting for one such as yourself!" Kamina says, in what passes for his inside voice.

Yoda senses what is happening, and shudders, tremmors wracking his frail body as he beholds what is happening. It was like staring into the heart of the force.