"You are wrong there, Hrothlar. The present is all that exists. The past is manufactured, as is the future, though in different ways. The past is memory, and record, neither of which can truly be trusted, as both are all too easily tampered with. The future is what it is made. Both of these are irrelevant. Action is important, not motive. Is there a difference between a man killed on accident, and a man killed on purpose? The man is just as dead, either way. Our decisions must be based on what is not what was. Their motives are unknown to me. My own are not important. My animosity towards them comes not from the past, but from the future. They could potentially ruin us all. " The Masked One giggles, and grins from behind the mask. "But we will get nowhere from waxing philosophical. The rest of you have heard my thoughts, but for the benefit of the newcomers, I suggest eroding their support. Nova and Kaal'ex are unlikely to betray one another, but Moarzed, Seln, perhaps even Milton.. they could be turned against them.