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Thread: [Twi] Twilight VII: The Dog bites Back!

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Twi] Twilight VII: The Dog bites Back!

    The Stig and KM
    Impossibly, you miss. You calculate the hit a second too soon, and he slips past you and into the portal, which is closing. If you really want you can follow him through, though you suspect that is suicide. You can't have missed. Nobody is that fast. And yet you did. You've never missed before. Perhaps there is some problem with your sensors.
    Or perhaps Zexions sponsor is protecting him again, weaving his protection around him so he cannot fall in battle.
    Deadpool leans on you affectionately. "Well, you hired the best. I'm the best at whatever Wolverine says he's the best at but isn't because I am. Or something. Anyway, whatever we do isn't very nice, whatever it is. Something about a klingon, I think."

    Wednesday is huge, at least twenty feet tall when standing, and lounging on his throne. He looks lithe, graceful and dangerous as a panther seems to a field mouse.
    You all feel like he should be giving orders. He knows more then you do, he’s wiser and better equipped. He should be your master. It's his aura, getting into your head, distorting your mind. But that doesn't make it any easier to resist.
    He reaches into a pouch, and removes a handful of glowing black rings.
    “I was called ring-giver once.” He says. “But then, mortals were always finding more titles for me. Take these rings, or bleed on the ground for me and feed my hunger. Serve me in life or serve me in death, it matters not. For you will serve me.”
    He says. He waves his keyblade vaguely, and a portal opens up. It leads to what seems to be Washington. “You will be my dogs of war, and I will let you out to cause panic. Dedicate every death to me. Kill all who oppose you. In exchange, I will give you power, and those who serve me best shall be given worlds of their own, to shape in their image.”
    Wednesday was a better leader then Xenohart had been. His mind was better suited, less the scientist and more the conqueror. And, given his powers no world had been able to resist. Krynn had held out for a while, as it had been prepared, but Wednesday had simply sent an infinite stream of low heartless into the world, wearing them down until they didn’t have the strength. Raistlin had never learned the greatest lesson, to rely on others as his weapons, to not fight every battle alone. And when all was lost, he had burned Krynn to nothing and left the Hourglass mage to reign over an empty world, alone in the cosmos and sealed in, no escape possible.
    Wednesday saw each problem individually, and drafted a solution. Nothing was too unimportant for him to consider. Some worlds could resist him. So he needed a new tecnique in regards to his invasion, a weapon that could compete with what the other worlds could use.
    "Pamela Isely, Zexion has requested you join his ranks as the new organization thirteen. The rest have to earn the positions. And the only way you can do that..." His eye flashes. "Is through blood."
    One by one, the rings, created by taking green lantern rings and binding them to the realm of darkness, floated into the air and fused themselves to a finger of the psychopaths Zexion had provided.
    Throats rumbling, the psychopaths rumble the oath that is suddenly writteni in their heads in words of fire
    "The blackest night falls from the skies,
    The darkness grows, as all light dies,
    We crave your hearts and your demise,
    By my black hand— the dead shall rise!"

    One of them leaps at you with a serrated bowie knife and a machette, seeming to snarl as he does, though in reality it's eerily silent.

    The rest of the zombies are fried. It's times like these you have to be grateful for the automatic generator you have in the basement that keeps the place running.
    Thank you Jeremiah.
    Unfortunately, the wolves are too close to the rest to risk trying anything on. As you stare, you notice something. Cass and Tm Drake have been kidnapped by the Wolves. And James is nowhere to be seen.

    Dante and Blade
    You stop at the bar, and walk in. People fight to get out of your way. Greed gets up, takes of his sunglasses, then his smile slips a bit. "You two. Figures." He says. As he serves all sorts of clientele, he's met you before. Greed's not too bad, though he's a hedonist and, well, greedy.
    "Don't start a fight or I'll have to get rough with you."

    You kill your five in quick succession, leaving one for Atem. They seem to be robots. Which raises more questions then it answers. Like who is puling the strings? And why do they all have a red eye on their chests as a symbol?
    Last edited by Cracklord; 2010-09-02 at 08:04 PM.
    Nadir We,
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