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Thread: LGBTitp - Part Eight

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Jun 2006
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    Default Re: LGBTitp - Part Eight

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    Sadly, I don't really have any mental images invoked by that phrase. What are some of the ones you have?
    Well, for starters, I imagine what a room would look like if, say, Kneenibble's budgie got into it. Rainbows and unicorns and feather boas and posters of virile young men stuck on the garish wallpaper, that sort of thing. You know, real "queered-up".
    Then there's a room that's all weird. Ochre tie-dye wallpaper, curtains with eyeball print, a coffee table made out of an elephant skull. A real queer room.
    Then there's a room that's just... off. The angles aren't right. The colours don't quite go together, and you can't tell whether there's a pattern on the curtains or if it's just the weave and shadow, and you think you saw that knick-knack in a shot of a murder scene on the news. Just a bit... queer.

    edit: I think that might be a "pretend it never happened" sort of situation. Not so much "never ever acknowledge it under any circumstances", as "plow on determinedly through the awkwardness by maintaining normal behaviour until all the awkwardness has been beaten under the overbearing mass of banality".
    Last edited by Serpentine; 2010-09-06 at 05:22 AM.