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Thread: Stat the characters of Darken! [3.5]

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stat the characters of Darken! [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Komiyan View Post
    The two Michaeluses (Michaelii?) are the human form and bear form, look at those insane stats! Technically he was evil, yeah, but I wrote him as neutral good being pressured into what he was doing because of the werebear thing :) And three classes, haha. I just noticed he listed his age as 2, I guess he forgot to do the rest!
    Ah, of course. I actually really liked the storyline about Michaelus' downfall. It seemed so... fitting that
    he tried to scheme and manipulate within the party, but was completely crushed by the true master, Jill.

    Quote Originally Posted by Komiyan View Post
    Gort killed about two or three of his player's characters since he kept making things that didn't get on with the main party. He made a mage after the bear was killed, but I haven't included her in the comic since she wouldn't really fit. He also made a wyvern rider, a shapeshifting thing that turned into a hag, a cleric..
    Haha! Suddenly I understand why you keep saying "poor bear"! Poor, doomed guy...

    Quote Originally Posted by Komiyan View Post
    Hey, I'd rather the thread wasn't over too ;) I guess you guys could use it for general discussion of the comic, that would be awesome! People speculating about the plot makes me go hooray!
    What a great idea! I think that Ellie will manage to save Lyam, Silvador will defeat Baal by simply ripping through his slime - c'mon, those claws gotta be good for something - and then Gort will enter at the right moment and banish Baal, thus saving Tyr! Yeah.

    Oh, you want realistic predictions? Fine. Silvador will either be killed or simply incapacitated - it certainly doesn't look good for her right now.
    Baal might interrupt the healing of Lyam and force Mink to choose between fleeing and healing. I could see Vargo make a heroic sacrifice for his siblings; all that wonderful arrogance dissolved the moment Lyam was in danger. Maybe Mink would have to choose between Vargo and Lyam.
    But of course, this is only if Baal decides to go for the kids. Maybe he'll be content with one trophy dragon head.
    About Jill... I honestly have no idea. It feels like she should have at least one proper betrayal in - she's schemed at the party's behalf so many times now that, I dunno, it's pretty illogical, but I'm just waiting for her to slide in the knife. But, yeah... it's Jill.

    Oh, btw Komi, could you spoiler the images? They stretch the screen and make my router cry - and I such hate seeing technology cry
    Last edited by Glass Mouse; 2010-09-13 at 03:21 AM.

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