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Thread: Darkest Hour IC

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Sinfonian's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Darkest Hour IC

    Lucretia blinks as (presumably) several undead are turned to dust by the human's power. She looks down at the man who just evaporated the undead and says:

    "I sure hope you can do that all day. With these deadies, it's about the long-distance, not the short sprint. There are always more."

    ((Edit: I meant to do some kind of Knowledge: religion check, but accidentally screwed it up when correcting "Reliigon". Only after the fact did I remember that I didn't even have the skill trained on this character anyway. My mistake.))

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by Sinfonian; 2010-09-16 at 02:14 AM.
    Fair warning: I edit my posts fairly continuously, sometimes adding substantial amounts in the period immediately after I post originally. I blame grad school instilling a constant need to revise.