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Thread: The Multiverse IC

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    Default Re: The Multiverse IC

    Besides the southern passage from where you came and the enemy sounds are coming, Linteshar sees two more passages from her position, one to the west, with a half-crumbled metal gate from behind wich a faint green light glows, and another passage to the north, with a large arc revealing nothing but darkness inside it. The Babau answers:

    Those screams... They have no names I know off but I heard one of the liches comment they're our ancestors, or at least what's left of them! Ancient, forgoten things, behind life and death, that roam this crypts since times immemorial, stalking and ganking whoever enters them! They killed me five times before I managed to exit this level, but I don't remember they being this many! Since we're a large group they must've been banding togheter to try to overwhelm us!
    Last edited by Oslecamo; 2010-09-26 at 05:27 PM.