Quote Originally Posted by Jallorn View Post
Why hasn't anyone mentioned StP Erudite//Factotum yet?

Warlock//Anything is a favorite of mine.

Several classes fit there nicely, Sorcerer has good fluff and crunch reasons to be there, Bard or Beguiler are also fun, specially for a diplomancer, Cleric can work, though it gets a little MAD, and Rogue is always awesome. Dread Necro is also fun.

I'm putting my response in spoiler because I don't want to turn this into a Monk conversation.
The Monk is MAD. They need Str to hit, or at least to hurt, they need Dex to dodge, Con to be healthy, and Wis to dodge. That's pretty much MAD. Plus, I think they have an ability based off Cha. Paladins may need Wis and Cha, but they can dump Dex, somewhat, since they can at least wear armor, and with the ability to use some spells and magic weapons, the paladin doesn't really need to worry about their Str for damage quite as much.
You forgot that they need Int, for skill points, as they do not have nearly enough for their list.