Quote Originally Posted by Introbulus View Post
Bah, I'll get around to reading it. ;p Whatever this mysterious thing is. I'm trying to cram as much Nexus in as possible before I have to go away for the weekend.

Keep your non-existent pants on, Reiny.

Also, against all odds, Butler is actually imagining exactly what Kris meant to say.

"Well you gotta get water first, then you find a nice steep hill and sorta dig it out to make a slide shape. Then, when you pour the water down, you get a nice slippery slide made of mud!"

Kris is sorta treading water, since she's juuuust short enough so her feet don't touch the surface.
Where you going?

"Oh... That'll work ma'am. But then you have to get wet all over again to wash it all off, don't you ma'am?"
