Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
Likewise, Seiko's kick to his stomach had shot some of the air off his lungs. Reflexive tightening of his abdominal muscles kept him from taking much damage from it, but that doesn't mean the impact hadn't been there.

Kazuma turned to face his sparring opponent again. Inhaling in deeply, the 8th seat tightened his stomach again to improve his breathing. He shot off towards Seiko once more. This time, it was faster than the last. Again, it wasn't quite Shunpo, but by the third time he attacked, it was looking a lot less dodge-able... even though Seiko could see it coming.

And even though Kazuma had been advancing in a straight line, every time.

It was difficult to understand why Kazuma wasn't fighting the way he usually did. Perhaps he was trying something new.

At the last second, Kazuma flipped. The circular motion of an axe kick with a short leap off the ground made his intent clear. It was something Seiko could dodge, like last time.

Until it sped up midway, and Kazuma finished the flip with an outstretched fist intended for Seiko's chest.

A feint, of all things.
Something was definitely different, Seiko could see that. With each attack, Kazuma's technique improved, his speed increased, and blows became that much more powerful. Was he still holding back, or was he actually improving as the battle went along? Seiko wasn't sure, but he liked the results. Kazuma had certainly improved since their last spar.

Kazuma's charge this time was just as easy to see coming, but seeing something and reacting to it were two different things, at least for most people.

Seiko just never expected the feint.

Seiko brought his arms up to defend against the axe kick that he expected, intending to grab Kazuma's leg and throw him to the ground, probably with some witty comment about telegraphing your attacks. It didn't particularly help Seiko's ego when Kazuma's fist caught him in the sternum. Seiko was caught almost completely off-guard. A feint? From Kazuma? He was learning!

Seiko managed to move backwards and roll with the momentum somewhat, turning the backwards shove into a back flip, trying to catch Kazuma's hand between his feet as he came up, which he would use to throw Kazuma to the ground on his way down.