Black Dragon:
Ooookay, let's see here.
First of all, you need to proofread... everything. A lot is worded clumsily, from breath weapon to home conversion. Check out other dragons to get the wording.
Remove tiny tiny effects. Home conversion's 1d4 nonlethal damage is too small to keep track of all the time, really.
Why didn't you make the changes I suggested on Grim Withering?
Acidic Nightmare: 2d6/2HD=1d6/1 HD. I'd make it... 1d8/2 HD.
I don't like "affecting ethereal creatures". It's not a force effect.
Acid Rain: Maybe give similar damage to Acidic Nightmare? 4d6/6 HD is just weird.
The Acid Shall Not Be Refused... eh. I don't like it. And by RAW, it just makes everything near the dragon immune to acid, even his own... what I'd do is remove the Kaiser ability (but maybe not the name, because it's cool) and make this one the capstone, but just that his acid pierces immunity/resistances.
Other than that, it's okay.

Dream Larva:
Y'know what my biggest 'pet peeve' is? When people specify as to just what sort of damage increasing sizes increases the natural weapons to. I hate that. There is a system: it increases by one step. If you don't like that, make a separate ability that increases the damage otherwise. And especially when you're going fro 1d6 to 2d8 (an average of 3.5 to an average of 9 per attack), growing in size just gives tooooo much benefit for one level.
Also, don't just say "It increases the damage to 2d8! Period!" I happen to like the improved natural attack feat.
Probably doesn't need 6+int skill points/level. Just sayin'.
The Bad Dream line... eh. First of all, it really should be a gaze effect. If a creature can't see the dream larva, it isn't affected, right? Also, best to make it all the same ability: for darkest fears, "creatures who would normally be shaken by Bad Dream are frightened instead." Nice and simple. That's really all you need to say.
Blade of Awakening: increase by one step! Increase by one step! There is a method to increasing natural attack damage, and it shall be followed!

Anaxim: If we're going to be doing abominations, I'd like to follow the same pattern as devils & such. Check out the dream larva for abomination traits.
Then, check out the iron golem & force golem for construct traits.
I STILL don't know what these "armor enhancement" spells are, and they certainly aren't OGL.
Can the two 'bolter guns' be used in conjunction with the other natural attacks? And, actually, why bother? You already have the electricity thing for ranged. And then flight. And then sonic blast. Speaking of sonic blast, it's a bit powerful- I'd cut it to 1d6/2 HD, tops. Sonic is powerful.
Check out the Dream Larva for my thoughts on weapons of mass destruction.
I don't like undivine spark- specifically, declaring it a 20 after the roll is made.