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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5]Improved Monster Classes- Still Alive, and taking requests!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgondantess View Post
    I like what you did with the SLAs, though it really should just be one specific HD specified per SLA- it sortof looks like you're losing the old ones to gain the new ones.

    Now, I still don't like the rebirth mechanic, so how about this: when dying, the Phoelarch gets to choose what he'll be reborn as. Maybe even let 'em transform once when the ability is gained, if he so chooses. I know it doesn't fit the fluff, but it's for playability's sake.

    Fiery wings: Hmmm... kindof just a fly spell with a (pretty lame) added bonus. Makes a great monk/swordsage, though. Also, by 26 charisma it'd be better to just make a regular unarmed strike than use the wings spell- it really should stack with heat. Does making an unarmed strike with them count as unarmed? As in, provokes AoO? State what kind of action it is to activate them- swift would not be out of line.

    Actually, I do sortof mind. Not that it's bad, per se, nor broken, and it could certainly be posted as is... but I hate it. If I played the class, I wouldn't take the 7th level. Granted, it's powerful, but it feels wrong in so many ways.
    First of all, the feathers seem as cheap as peanuts. Might be fighting with a certain NPC soon? Here, have a feather! It becomes a lot to keep track of for a relatively small bonus. And on top of that, there's keeping track of the defeating enemies, how much longer the Phoelarch has the bonus, who has the feather... it's just really not something I like. Big and simple is much better than small and overwrought.
    One feather makes it special. And because it's only one feather, you can give it some really cool stuff- instantly confirming critical hits? Yeah, that works. Maybe it can cast from the Phoelarch's SLAs! Then something about how if the Phoelarch fights with whoever has the feather, he gets a similar bonus... It has a lot of potential, and I'd hate to see that reduced to just some small, flat, headache-inducing passive bonus.... but, I also recognize that it's you class, and as there's nothing exactly inherently wrong with it, I'm not going to just say "NO!".
    • Cleared up that bit about the SLA's
    • Fiery Wings now stacks with heat property. Activates as a swift action and specifies that it is a typical unarmed unarmed strike (meaning AoO's)
    • Rise from the Ashes now lets the phoelarch choose what form it is reborn into.
    • Okay, how about the phoelarch can hand out a number of feathers () i'd like it to be more than one because the other memebrs of the party would get jealous. The feathers give the person Fire resistance equal to the phoelarchs HD, slowfall 3/day, and the luck bonuses. In addition , the phoelarch can always know the location of the feather and the person who holds it?

      I don't know, that seems like a lot. What do you think?
    Last edited by AustontheGreat1; 2010-10-23 at 08:23 PM.