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Thread: Hell on Prime (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Hell on Prime (IC)

    Waking from her sound slumber, Nin's consciousness drifts for many moments before she realizes that her vision is not adjusting. In the impenetrable darkness a grimace crosses her face, eyes squinting but seeing nothing. Reflexively, she alters her form, appearing as a young red-headed woman with crystalline blue eyes in a harlequin dress before cautiously stepping through the threshold of the dark room, a hand resting casually on her blade, behind her back.
    Hello? I appear to be lost? Hello? Her grip tightening around her sword and her eyes narrowing in frustration.

    Entering the chamber with the others, Nin's vision focuses on the crystalline bronze spires, enthralled by their beauty.
    Last edited by Tibbaerrohwen; 2010-10-27 at 12:35 AM.