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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Default Re: Adventures in Fallcrest - IC - Part 2 [4E]

    DM Post

    OOC: Because of post order, I did a little bit of tweaking with final movement squares/attack order, but it worked out in y'all's favor

    With a jerk Oedipus lets out a cry of pain as the drow's kukri slides into his back. The Dragonborn turns to face the drow, gasping for air"I warned you once, you should have stayed down!" and he raises his blade. With a *crack* the flat of Eltain's blade comes crashing down on the Dragonborn's skull, sending Oedipus to his knees. "One day, you'll pay for this." Oedipus groans, his eyes locked onto Zyrr one last time, before they roll back into his head, and he collapses in a heap. His breathing is shallow, but he won't be waking up any time soon.

    In a quick flash of coordination, Pavick pulls two of the straggling Dretches in next to the hoard, as he, Shep, and Aramil blast them apart with ease. Caught in the middle of the attacks is the swarm, losing cohesion with every blow.

    The swarm manages to rally again for one last flurry of attacks. Again, they grab hold of the monk, but still don't drag him in (9 damage + grabbed); and while Aramil is able to fend off the first round of attacks, he too is grabbed by the demon swarm. (15 damage)


    Zyrr -bloodied - M11
    Shep - bloodied - O13 (5 aura damage+9 - grabbed)
    Eltain - L12
    Aramil - bloodied - Q15 - (15 damage - grabbed)
    Lucan - O12
    Pavick - S13

    Dretch Swarm - P,Q/14,15 (206 damage - bloodied)

    Shep & Aramil will take 5 damage at the start of their turn


    Dretch Swarm
    Attack vs. Shep's AC: (1d20+14)[32] Damage: (2d6+6)[9] - grabbed
    Attack vs. Aramil's AC: (1d20+14)[22] Damage: (2d6+6)[11] miss
    Engulf attempt vs Shep's Fort (1d20)[12] + 8
    Claw attempt vs. Aramil's AC (action point) (1d20)[19] + 14 Damage 15 (from OOC thread)
    Last edited by Hzurr; 2010-11-01 at 06:04 PM.