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    Ettin in the Playground
    Jade_Tarem's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: [Bliss Stage IC] It's Only Teenage Wasteland

    Following Kuma Da's suggestion...

    Christina Freeman

    "Incoming Toby, move!" Christina watches her monitor touching and moving the images, never letting the riders out of sight for a moment, never forgetting her friendship to Tobias and how important it is to both of them now. "They're behind the near billboard. Yes, that one. Get ready for them to come under it, low..."

    Logan White

    One of the shots spangs off his shield, ripples spreading out across the bubble from the point of impact, but the shield holds easily. Logan tumbles out of the way of the worst of the barrage, and then ignites the thrusters in his ANIMa's boots to give chase to one of the wing pairs, literally skating on jets of bluish fire. He waits for the perfect shot, aims, and fires his arm cannon - a sizzling blue bolt of power flies out and strikes one of the gryphons cleanly. As the gryphon explodes, he loses track of the other rider team for a moment, and reality flickers as the dream is stressed. The dream world remains intact, but he still can't see the second rider. "Kate, did I get the second one or not?"

    He looks down at his arm cannon - it's still functional, but it's venting some kind of noxious-looking blue gas. Did it overheat? I guess I overdid it.

    Not sure if each rider requires a seperate attack, or if one mission success takes out both of the guys I was supposed to handle.
    Last edited by Jade_Tarem; 2010-11-02 at 07:31 PM.
    Amazing Zealot avatar by Elder Tsofu.