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    Troll in the Playground
    Allan Surgite's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh PBP Exhibition - Allan vs theTerran


    "I activate Dark Hole, destroying Dewloren. I'll then summon Morphtronic Cameran to the field and activate Morphtronic Map, then reveal my face-down Labyrinth of Nightmare. Whenever a monster changes battle positions, my Map gains a Morph counter, and at the end of each player's turn, all face-up monsters shift their battle position. Now, run yourself into the ground by attempting to stop me!"

    "I'll have my Cameran attack you directly and end my turn; Cameran shifts itself to defence position thanks to my Labyrinth, making my Morphtronics immune to being targetted by effects; my Map gains a Morph Counter and Morphtronic Bind prevents your strongest monsters from attacking. Come forth, attempt to stop me!"

    Field - Morphtronic Map (1 Morph Counter)
    Morphtronic Cameran - 800+300 (1100)/600
    Labyrinth of Nightmare
    Morphtronic Bind

    Life Points

    Hand ~ 1
    -M Remoten

    (S/T3) - Labyrinth of Nightmare

    -Labyrinth of Nightmare
    -Morphtronic Remoten
    -Morphtronic Magnen
    -Book of Moon
    -Ally of Justice Catastor
    -Iron Chain Dragon
    -Dark Hole

    Removed From Play
    -Morphtronic Scopen
    -Morphtronic Cameran

    Reforming Rue ~ 29
    1. Morphtronic Celfon
    2. Morphtronic Celfon
    3. Morphtronic Celfon
    4. Morphtronic Boomboxen
    5. Morphtronic Boomboxen
    6. Morphtronic Boarden
    7. Morphtronic Radion
    8. Morphtronic Radion
    9. Morphtronic Remoten
    10. Morphtronic Scopen
    11. Morphtronic Scopen
    12. Morphtronic Slingen
    13. Morphtronic Slingen
    14. Morphtronic Slingen
    15. Morphtronic Magnen
    16. Morphtronic Map
    17. Morphtronic Map
    18. Junk Box
    19. Junk Box
    20. Book of Moon
    21. Monster Reborn
    22. Mystical Space Typhoon
    23. Mystical Space Typhoon
    24. Mystical Space Typhoon
    25. Morphtronics, Scramble!
    26. Mirror Force
    27. Morphtronic Bind
    28. Morphtronic Bind

    1. Armory Arm
    2. Armory Arm
    2. Goyo Guardian
    3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
    4. Ancient Fairy Dragon
    5. Black Rose Dragon
    6. Black Rose Dragon
    7. Black-Winged Dragon
    8. Red Dragon Archfiend
    9. Dark End Dragon
    10. Stardust Dragon
    11. Stardust Dragon
    12. Thought Ruler Archfiend
    13. Mist Wurm
    Last edited by Allan Surgite; 2010-11-05 at 10:20 AM.
    At dusk, I will think of you...