Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
[Venti Buon]

Yui blinks. "That little? Come on now, there's no need to be shy. You're not pushing me to bankruptcy here."
Silva waves a hand. No, I'm fine. Not that hungry. That, and she's not keen on other people buying stuff for her like this.

Then, the stranger hands Rosa his money and picks up his order, going to sulk in the corner table. "Fine, then! I understand if you don't have time for poor old Yui. Means I get to eat share too!" She then goes to make their order.

"Hello! Could I get two sandwiches, three donuts, three icecream cones, four cups of hot cocoa, one glass of orange juice... oh, one cup of black coffee and another of green tea as well... Ooooh! What are those green things?" It's clear this might take a while...
Silva chuckles a little as Yui places the order.

Well, somebody's a little hungry.

Mean while, the tall stranger puts his backpack next to his seat and settles to slowly chewing away his bread as he examines the odd trio. The young woman has very vibrant red hair... doesn't look like it's dyed. Green eyes... probably non-native as well. But why is she staring at me like I'm the Devil itself? The older woman and the boy are clearly Japanese, though there's... still something wrong about both. Especially the woman - maybe it's the unhealthy color of her skin? Has she seen a day of sunlight in her life?
Hey, that guy's still watching.

Yeah, just keep an eye on him. Just in case. She's still a little cautious right now.

After receiving all the assorted sweets, Yui smugly carries the tray full of various delicacies (and the two beverages for her companions...) to a nearby table and sits down. "Ah... these both look so delicious, I don't know where to start!", she wonders, holding two colourfully iced pastries on her hands. "I think I'll start with both! Itadakimasu!" She ravenously devours them, beaming in that creepy, sickly manner of hers as she munches them cheeks as full as a chipmunk. It's... well, certainly strange to see a middle-aged woman indulge in such a manner.
Silva smirks a little. She sure did pick a strange person to hang around.

Meanwhile, the stranger keeps staring at the group. No, there has to be something more. The boy - he's giving of a strong aura, a bad one. This bears investigation. Outwardly, the stranger goes on just like always, green unblinking eyes staring and taking in the events of the small cafe. However, to him, the physical world fades, leaving only...


Suddenly, the stranger jumps up, finishes his bread in few hasty bites and downs what's left of his water in one gulp, picks up his backpack, and strides out of the cafe.

Yui stops stuffing herself with sweets for a moment, confused by the abrupt gesture. "Mmmmhm mhmhs mhimm?"
Silva shrugs a little, still watching the door.

It's at this point that she notices the small, silver bead hovering in the air. She tilts her head a little and stares at it, slightly confused.