In a small workshop, Lin is carefully assembling a trap, in the hopes it will catch the Sorority off guard. As she works, she muses on the events of the day. She wasn’t convinced of Lexi’s innocence. She is considering her next move, when she realises she’s got herself stuck. She needs an extra hand to hold a piece in place to finish the trap.

As she thinks it, someone reaches over her shoulder and plants a finger exactly where it is needed.

“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”

Lin looks up at the hooded figure next to her. Others are gathered around the walls of the workshop.


The figure next to her shifts her finger. Pieces of wood and rope fly apart entangling Lin. The last thing she sees as she loses consciousness is the face of her attacker. Pity she may find it hard to speak when she wakes up.

Elsewhere, Gina is seated in front of her computer working hard. Gone is the bouncy cheerleader, here everything is business, intently concentrating on the records of one of her fellow students.

“Oh wow... That’s really interesting...”

Unfortunately, she is so intent on her screen she fails to notice the figures behind her with blowpipes.

*pfft* *pfft*

With that she collapses. Too much Trinski is very bad for your health.

Murska was mangled while creating a trap, and won’t regain consciousness for some time.
(S)he was a Loyal Eco Freak.
Ghanz Nmi was shot with blowgun darts and lapsed into an alcohol induced coma.
(S)he was a Loyal Geek.

Day 3 Begins!