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Thread: [BitP:R] Mortal World 2

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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World 2

    [Furousha Shop]

    Viatrix grins smugly. "It'll take a while. Staying to hang around or coming back tomorrow is up to you." With that, she makes her way into the basement.

    [Joint Ops Site]

    Hibiki hmms. "Interesting. ...So, Yamashiro-san, now that this investigation seems to be complete, and we have an understanding of sorts... is there any further reason to stay here, or may I be on my way?"

    [Houheiden Shrine]

    Valeria puts her phone away, and sighs, stepping forward nervously. "Um... as for me..." She pauses, figuring it better if she showed, than explained. Pulling her hand over her face, black energy seethes from her body for a moment, before forming into her mask.

    "...I'm not sure why I'm like this..." Val's voice is distorted to almost being unrecognizable, and as before her eyes are black, frightening orbs with purplish-pink irises.
    Last edited by strawberryman; 2010-11-10 at 08:45 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Sick props to Akrim.elf for the rockin' Chouko-tar!

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