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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warhammer 40k Tabletop IX: "Mech is king? I never voted for it."

    Quote Originally Posted by TheThan View Post
    Don’t bring one big 20 man squad of warriors, instead bring two ten man squads as that’ll give you two dark lances and two scoring units for about the same points cost.
    Er, I'm not and never have been taking a 20 man squad, so that's well and truely covered

    Also don’t worry about how your syrabites are kitted out so much, most people don’t complain about wysiwyg unless its like a tournament setting or your trying to sneak things buy your opponent, just tell them they’re not kitted out right.
    I complain...

    Ok, not much but having leaders with weapons when they aren't even there is too far IMO.

    Smashing tau ought to be more or less a cakewalk for DE now. Bring wyches instead of warriors and zip into his face, jump out and assault him. Then watch him cry. Focus his tanks until you bring them down, a voidraven bomber will give him a hard time (str9 lance weapon vs armor 13? You need 3s to glance) not to mention its missiles which should have no problem killing kroot or fire warriors.
    My regular Tau opponent plays the 'reserve everything' game with things that aren't suits, hammerheads or broadsides and has the most infuriating luck at keeping them off the board until he needs them.

    If he gets the initiative and you can’t steal it back? Easy just don’t deploy and bring it all in as reserves. It’s a great tactic for when you roll dawn of war. in this situation, Sliscus may very well be a good idea, as you won’t need to buy retrofire jets, and can still shoot (benefit of being a fast skimmer). So you can drop in behind his gun line, tanks etc and blasticate them with blasters and dark lances. Kabalite trueborn are good for this tactic. I kitted mine out with 4 blasters and two splinter cannons, it gives me higher Ap and ranged than regular splinter weapons.

    If you know what you’re up against then fighting it won’t be too hard. Its metagaming but that’s part of the game. it’s a bit harder to build an all comers army with DE.
    Another part of why I like the Duke - he give me more options, making a fairly normal list much more unpredicatble through his 'free' deep striking.
    Last edited by Zorg; 2010-11-16 at 02:30 PM.
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