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    Orc in the Playground

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    Jun 2010
    Michigan, USA

    Default Re: Murphy's Law 5: To Comic 100...And Beyond!

    Quote Originally Posted by Anterean View Post
    So she encourages genocide, that sorta rules out her being good doesn´t it ?
    Ah, she thinks that the Plaavan gods have killed Salblaze in cold blood. Those gods weren't there at the start of time - they were raised up by the Plaavans worshipping them. Therefore, she thinks that the Plaavan's goals coincide with their god's, making the Plaavan race evil enough to wipe off the face of the planet. Plus, in this war, they've been killing Kagoian soldiers who are only trying to do the "right thing."

    Let's say a gang leader killed your best friend. The police come in and try to arrest the gang for murder, and a gunfight breaks out, killing gang members and policemen alike. You would be prejudiced to see the gang's side as the bad side because the leader shot your friend and you never learned why. You probably wouldn't be opposed to seeing the police hunt down and kill the rest of them.

    Even if that gang had never done anything illegal and wasn't planning on it, you wouldn't know that. Maybe your friend was going to murder someone close to that gang leader. But since you don't know that, prejudice makes you view that gunfight as a gang shooting a bunch of innocent policemen. Instead, it could have started with a gang member trying to protect their leader from capital punishment, with revenge and self-defense killing accelerating fight.

    What I'm trying to say is that everyone, even Astrid, can be influenced by their emotions. In her situation, she has enough reason to believe that the Plaavans are evil, so if her intent is to let her paladins wipe out this evil, she may still be considered on the Good side of the alignment spectrum. Besides, it's not as if Astrid is encouraging this genocide. She's letting others do it without objecting.
    Last edited by Alagaesian; 2010-11-20 at 11:13 PM.