Mayumi cuses inwardly as the beast leaps away, taking the Seel Schneider with it. She only had so many of those. So, her brilliant plan of shoving the creature down with brute force hadn't worked. Honestly, she hadn't expected it to, but she'd found something most interesting: the beast's reiryoku enhanced the Seele Schneider more than any other Hollow she had ever fought.

And she still had three Seele Schneiders.

Mayumi glares upward at the monster, noting that it hasn't gone to pursue Inagawa-Kai-san. Apparently, Mayumi had presented herself as an appealing enough target. Now, to make sure that she didn't die fighting this thing.

"I can only assume that you're toying with me, Hollow." She called up to the monster above her. "What do you want here? What did you have to gain by killing that boy?" She pulled her bow back up in case of an attack, and felt a twinge of pain in the arm that the creature had wrenched. It would be a while before her firing was back up to par. She had to be carefully. She had to fight smart.