[Warehouse roof]

"Me? I didn't have anything to gain", the creature replies, bringing the stolen scheele sneider before itself, dark eyes examining the weapon appraisingly. "I killed him for the same reason I assume you're trying to kill me now - to protect people of this town. It was a lesser evil, so to speak."

"I see you are furious because I killed him, but what about the people he killed?"
It lowers the weapon to a guarding position, shaking its head slightly as it observes Mayumi. "Are homeless people not important, or did they just slip under your radar? I mean...."

It moves so fast, it almost seems to be in two places at once. Giving her little time to think, the beast leaps beside Mayumi, swinging the stolen blade in a wide arc to sunder the bow in her hands. "What would you have done in my place?"