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Thread: When the Lord comes a'callin'... [IC]

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Nanoblack's Avatar

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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: When the Lord comes a'callin'... [IC]


    Peace. Quiet.

    Of all of the multiverse, this spire was the only location where he was truly alone; where he could think and know the thoughts were his own. It wasn't more than a few weeks ago that he had smelled the salt in the air of his favorite port town, but he needed to stay as far away as possible when he wasn't dropping off the various wonders he had collected in his years. For her sake, he would do anything. She deserved nothing less after the atrocities he put her through...

    Since he had arrived, he had worn a path around the circumference of the great structure. Everything about this place mystified him, from the simplicity of the architecture to the utterly encompassing power it radiated. Still, he was alone with his thoughts and that would give him plenty of time to contemplate his surroundings.

    That was until he spotted movement in the distance. He pulled his hood down to his shoulders to reveal the haggard features of an elderly human male. Barely a hair on his head, the brown leather of his cloak seemed to be the only thing holding his frail bones together. "Hail, traveler! What brings you to these parts?"

    For whoever cares:
    I don't much care who it is I spotted, so if you want play shuffleboard with the kindly old man, feel free to insert yourself into the blank.

    DM's Eyes Only
    Hey! Quit Peeking!
    I just used the pretending flesh augment to change my appearance. Here's my disguise check:(1d20+41)[61]
    Last edited by Nanoblack; 2010-11-30 at 03:41 PM.