Air stays dead still while Sayuri glares at Soushi in silence. Of course, inwardly she's busy cursing Kiku to lowest hell. That woman! Is there no end to her foolishness? Oh, I will make her pay! The picture is indeed of Sayuri, some hundred and ninety years younger - long, blonde hair tied to pigtails and freckled face beaming with joy as she's busy hugging young Shirakawa Kiku, who seems like she's been tackled against a wall. It was the day Sayuri joined 9th Division in the same team as her.

After a while of making Soushi feel like she's going to torment him to death, she shrugs and turns away. "I see. I hope you find it amusing", she snarls with an icy voice, before asking the receptionist for directions to Natsuko's room.