Keelan Young and The Axiom
HP 428/428 AC:91 T:74 FF:91
Init: +15 Perception: +16 Spot, +11 Listen, LLx6, Darkvision 90, Blindsight 90, Tremorsense 60ft, See in Magical Darkness
Speed: 85ft Land, 115ft Swim, 85ft Hover
Buffs: Greater Mage Armor [27 Hours], Haste, Freedom of Movement, Impenetrable Disguise Self, Magic Circle Against All Alignments, Superior Globe of Invulnerability [Level 10 spells and under]
Condition: N/A
Immune: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Exhaustion, Disease, Petrification, Poison, Ability Damage/Drain, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting, Blind, Dazzle,
Resistances: DR 23/-, ER 13 (Fire, Sonic)
Passive: Fast Healing 13, Evasion Know the Mind (know what every creature within 1 mile of you is thinking, Immune Surprise, act in surprise rounds, Improved Uncanny Dodge), Water Breathing, Sustenance, Needs no Air, Pass Without Trace, No Scent
Str: 20 Dex: 32 Con: 32 Int: 22 Wis: 32 Cha: 44
Fort: +50 Ref: +51 Will: +55

Class Features:

Psychic Masqueade: Disguise Self @ Will, only broken by Death. True Sight does not penetrate.
Master of the Mind: 1/encounter treat a saving throw as Natural 20
Might of the Mind: gain Mettle until next turn after using Psychic Power
Prescient Reflex: gain Evasion until next turn after using Psychic Power

Take 10 on all Cha checks and Cha based skill checks
Mass Suggestion SLA 3/day with a DC 37
Proficient in all weapons.

All Attacks treated as Chaotic, Evil, Good, Lawful
Breath Weapon: 27d4 Force Breath (95ft Cone) Ref DC 34 Half
Quicken Breath, Clinging Breath, Lingering Breath

SLAs (CL 27, DC 10+1/2HD+Cha or 40)
At Will: Guidance, Resistance, Virtue, Bless, Prayer
6/day: Shield of Faith, Consecrate, Atonement
8/day: Aid
Free Action to create 20ft radius bright light. Acts as Magic Circle against [All] and Globe of Invulnerability that affects spells of (1/2HD)-3 [10th] levels or lower.
Saintly Touch: Extra 1d6 vs [All]. Righteous Hammer: +1d6/2HD to [All].

No longer has any alignment for any purpose. Not True Neutral, but no alignment whatsoever.
Bane against Alignment. +2 to attack and +2d6 against creatures with one neutral component. +4 to attack and +4d6 against creatures with an extreme alignment.
Any spell cast that would affect only a single alignment affects all to full effect
Alignment restrictions for magic items or advancing in a class are irrelevant
Telekinesis at Will as a Supernatural Ability (Caster Level = Character Level). No concentration needed, manipulate 100lbs/CL. Create up to Charisma Modifier in Spiritual Weapons. Uses Cha to attack.
Any foe damaged by Mind-Hand Manipulation takes an additional 20 points of damage reduction that ignores all damage reduction.
[17/17] Cha/day reduce damage from one source by half.

Soul Binding: Naberius: Can use [Decipher Script, Disable Devise, Open Lock, +8] skills untrained and Standard Action Diplomacy/Bluff with no penalty.

Item Notes:
3 charges per day to gain move/standard/full action
Take 10 on Balance/Climb/Jump/Swim/Tumble and take 20 1/day

When attacked in melee, attacker takes half of damage dealt rounded up and wearer takes half rounded down
1/day Immune to all damage for 1 round

Continuous Haste
Continuous Pass Without Trace/no scent
3/day swift action to take a free 5ft step
Dex to Jump instead of Str and Swift to Stand from Prone (no AoO)
Two Handed always readied vs Charge
1/day Swift action to get 2 rounds of free time as per Time Stop

1/day Rusting Grasp, Self and Gear immune to Rusting attacks
Ignore Miss Chance for attacking Incorporeal with anything. +1d6vsIncorporeal

Standard At Will view a remote location that is familiar or obvious (ie, behind a door in front of you or around a corner).
5/day Immediate Action to counter Confused, Dazed, Fascinated, or Stunned

A section of space not far away begins to warp and bend before being drawn back towards infinity in a shape that vaguely resembles the Spire itself. With a snap it breaks free and shapes itself into a massive gateway between planes. A faint violet mist rolls out from the disk but beyond is only darkness and a massive stone wall that rises beyond sight. For the half moment that the portal remains open the wall shimmers with eldritch power and then it is gone. Hovering a few scant inches off the ground the Lady of Pain herself gazes upon those around from behind a featureless mask. The truly terrifying part of it all is perhaps the fact that the subject's shadow is inching towards those assembled and that no amount of divination or insight seems capable of disproving the notion that this bladed figure is truly the one who rightly bears the bladed mask.

From behind the floating figure emerges a ball of blades and golden armor with a grace and precision only possible from the greatest of godly machines. It too wears the bladed mask. It shifts and then rises to a full height of seven feet and then gestures as a telepathic message passes through the nearby area, 'All hail the coming of The Lady. Descended from The Cage of Sigil for the first time in all recorded history, praise her lest the Shadow fall across you.'

Yeah, Disguise Self that cannot be pierced, the ability to hover, and going someplace you've never been. Walking in as The Lady is the most amusing thing I could think of as an intro. XD

And yes, The Axiom is gesturing while Keelan is 'speaking.'

Bluff Check of 80 (Take 10).
Mind Blank and Construct, but I'm still hoping no one has detect thoughts and some way to pierce those protections, cause it'd ruin my fun. XD

Using Telekinesis (no concentration required) to make various bits of his Lady of Pain disguise float menacingly.