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Thread: When the Lord comes a'callin'... [IC]

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: When the Lord comes a'callin'... [IC]

    Aelaris's eyes widen in shock, an emotion he had not felt in over a century. Sigil, perhaps the greatest treasure in all of the multiverse, vaporized in an instant! And this...old man, out of it? But Sigil...gone! So many of his plans would now need to be re-laid. So many resources gone. He wondered if it was truly destroyed, or merely vanished somewhere else. He hoped it merely vanished.

    Well, Aelaris was no fool. He knew that whatever this old man was, it was more than he looked. He waved his hand and the geyser-like flow of water weakened somewhat (prestidigitation). Once weakened enough to see and hear through, he asked the man, as polite as he could manage (not being an emotion he was used to), "Is that good, or would you like more, my friend?"
    Last edited by Surgo; 2010-12-04 at 08:30 PM. -- the Dungeons and Dragons Wiki.
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