Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post
Random comments:

1. on C) Just a friendly warning that underage curtaining (should it ever get that far) might be frowned upon by moderators. Not saying you would, but you know how sometimes those pesky characters get minds of their own.))
Oh no, I never even considered it. Plus Adele isn't that kind of girl.

2. I'm guessing Tia's seduction of Teb will have to wait. She won't be leaving Gabriel's side as long as he's this distressed over her friend.
That's good news for Gabriel at least

3. As for what Charity might do to Garrett, it will go something like this:

(awesomeness by Kid Kris, if it wasn't obvious)
Poor Garrett

4. No, this is not a normal day. This is one of the epic days when a major plot event happened in multiple threads with only minimal ninja-edits and confusion about character actions, no ooc drama, only one ooc dispute about the results of an action (the handbrake), and epic amounts of character growth for lots of characters.

If this isn't my all time favorite day of roleplay in ffrp, it's certainly in the top five.
It's number 1 in mine at least.

5. Characters not listening to me is how Moff 4 ended up trying to grab KR's butt and bite Wenomir's. And that was today too. Well, yesterday now *looks at clock*.
*also looks at clock* huh.

I figure if a character need me to guide him/her then I'm going it wrong. *nods* It's so much better when I don't have to really think about what they should do. Which largely is part of why I've enjoyed the last couple days.