Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
[13th Division]

After sharing news with Shiaki Koujin, Sato Hachirou had finally left 4th Division. On his way out, he'd heard Hayashi-taichou had finally went to labor - however, he had decided to mind her privacy and leave her alone with her newly-expanded family.

Besides, his outfit might have scared the baby.

Currently, he's strolling through 13th grounds, observing the general state of things. Despite best efforts of the Hayashi twins, lack of three highest authorities (and one less significant authority...) for nearly a week had left the Division schedules in relative disorder. First thing that's amiss Hachirou notices when he looks at the patrol summary - some portions of Mid-Japan had fallen to the wayside during the past week, including the area near Phoenix town. Hmmm.

The second thing he notices is a report dealing with 3rd seat Yama Akio being AWOL and accused of unauthorized use of Senkaimon - normally, it'd be Natsuko's duty to decide if punitive actions would be necessary, but due to her... condition, the matter had been delegated straight to Vice-Captain of 1st Division. Uh-huh. No doubt Akio would find his orders accompanied with a strict personal message when he'd he return to his post.

To hell with it. You still have one day off, a voice whispers to his ears. As much as he wants to say something to shut up his sword spirit, Hachirou has to admit it has a point.

Thus, he begins search for Allan Crossdale.

"Hello, Crossdale-kun. How was your week with Shiaki-san? Recovered your sword yet?"
13th Division
Living Quarters

The time since Allan's sword was broken has been an unpleasant one for the normally cheerful Shinigami. He has been rarely seen, spending almost all of his free time in his quarters, leaving only for direct assignments and food. He has also limited his social interaction, speaking tersely, and only when absolutely necessary. Although the news of Natsuko's birth had reached him, he had not done anything about it.

Based on this information, it doesn't take much to deduce Allan's current location. The door to Allan's room is already open when Hachirou arrives. It is surprisingly tidy, given Allan's haphazard personality; apparently he has few possessions. A few knick-knacks from around the world are placed on a desk off to one side, mirroring the room's bed. In one corner, Allan's sheathed Zanpakuto is gathering dust, leaned against the wall.

Allan himself sits in the center of the room, on the floor. He is sitting cross-legged, with his arms folded over his chest and his eyes closed. His expression is similar to that of a Shinigami performing Jinzen, but the removal of his Zanpakuto precludes that possibility. He opens his eyes and looks up with a start as Hachirou enters the room.

"Oh, Hachirou-san. Hi."

He slides agilely to his feet.

"The week's been fine. Koujin-san is a pretty cool guy."

He glances back at his Zanpakuto.

"Sword's still not back, yet, though. It hasn't improved at all."