This story isn't THAT funny, I guess you had to be there. It was a 4e game with the PCs being a Dwarvern Cleric (Me) a Half-Orc Barbarian and an Elf Ranger.
Start of a new campaign about an evil meteor or something.
You come across The King's Wall separating the area from the outside world.
Is there a gate?
There is a heavily defended gate, and stairs up in to a tower.
OK then. I climb the wall.
I have climber's tools and a grappling hook. I CLIMB THE WALL.
<I climb wall, druid shifts in to ratform and climbs a pipe, throw tools down and rest of party climb up too>
We jump down from the wall.
<all of party make rolls, succeed aside from me>
Everyone jumps down and lands safely, aside from <dwarf's name>.He falls flat on his face in a pile of cow pat.
<laughing and 10 minute discussion of how such a scene would look, and what the locals would think seeing a dwarf in heavy armor jump down for a wall, fall over, and land in a pile of turd>
By the way, in your adventures we usually would have had an encounter by now. Where is it?
There were meant to be two. One at the gate or one in the tower, depending on where you went.
Guess you just didn't count one important factor: Me buying as much equipment I can carry, "Just in case we need it".