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Thread: When the Lord comes a'callin'... [IC]

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Sep 2009

    Default Re: When the Lord comes a'callin'... [IC]

    Rounding on Keelan, Aelaris blurts out angrily: Why would you do something like that? Are you trying to be a jerk, or an idiot? Aelaris uses make whole on the teacup; hopefully that works.

    Never hurts to score a few points with some random being that just destroyed a multiversal monument.
    Last edited by Surgo; 2010-12-12 at 01:02 PM. -- the Dungeons and Dragons Wiki.
    The only good spell point system you will ever see.

    I'm good at rating things. If you want me to tell you how you can improve your homebrew, PM me a link.