Sounds like you're off to a great start, Zimfan.

If you're going to be buying another Boyz kit, that's alright. More Boyz is always a good choice. If you want to get two kits, though, I'd suggest you just go ahead and spring for the Battleforce, especially since you can easily get it for about 75 bucks on Amazon or some other online resource. That way, you'll get your 20 Boyz + 2 Nobs, as well as a Trukk and a trio of Ork Bikers. Those will give you some new tactical options, which you may find useful or more enjoyable than what you've been doing.

A single trukk isn't all that useful, since a sole vehicle is quite the bullet magnet, and a squad of 10 Boyz doesn't have Fearless and tends to get shot up fast. You'll likely need another Trukk or two to get the full effectiveness out of the vehicles. But, if you want to put a single trukk to use, I'd say throw some 'Ard Boyz in that sucker, or your Nob Squad. OR go crazy with some conversions and make it a Battlewagon - that's what I'm doing.

Also, here's one cool thing you can do with the Battleforce. The trio of Ork Bikers has options to make one into a Nob Biker. Well, if you take the two Nobs from the Boyz kits in the Battleforce and just put them on the bikes, then the unit can count as Biker Nobs rather than Ork Bikers. And Biker Nobs are fun.

Alternatively, you can put a Painboy on one of those bikes. This is a bit tricky, though, because it either involves putting half a metal model on a plastic bike, or building a "kustom" model from a Boy, some greenstuff, and some plasticard/model bits.

BUT, I should point out that Biker Nobs, even without the Painboy and other awesome upgrades, are a huuuuuuge investment of points. I'm talking hundreds of points just for 3-5 models. They can be pretty effective, but you're taking a huge gamble with them. I wouldn't use them in a lower level game since you need those points to grab as many Boyz as you can...

Cheesegear can (and will, I'm sure. ) give better advice than me on that...