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Thread: Winds of Freedom

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Winds of Freedom

    The smoke from the battle begins to thin as you pass around the corner, mound of treasure clinking gently together, in remembrance of wine glasses and fine ceramics clinking together in the banquets of the East Wizard Academy. Has it really been two years... seems like just the other day? The techniques, the protocols, the style of attire... even the words of the now-adversaries seem so familiar from the training missions, the lecture halls, and even the very residence with other students within the academy. Being in such a familiar environment, yet now so drastically changed by the circumstances has not gone unnoticed by you. Once the chaos subsides, a more suitable time to reflect on these changes will surely present itself.

    As you hustle around the corner, a thunderous voice booms from behind you. Shadow Bandit!" You turn around to see a small frame of a man dressed in a simple blue robe. No beads, no jewelry, no baubles of any sort dangle from his person. Indeed, the only distinguishing feature from him is a braid of light brown hair trailing down from the back of his head, just barely brushing against the floor.

    You recognize this man as Jonas Blackthroat, Head of the Southern Wizard Academy.

    "This has gone far enough, invader! Surely you recognize we have you surrounded. I will give you this one chance to surrender to your knees, else I bring you there myself." The figure stands roughly forty feet away, though the distance is made difficult to estimate by the late morning sun streaming in through the stained glass windows, just behind you.
    Last edited by Terraspaz; 2010-12-13 at 10:56 PM.
    --Killin' 'em softly with bard songs