Cheesegear's thoughts are in the first post now. Crazedloon's thoughts on those thoughts are a few pages back and I've posted a few battle reports at 1000 points.

Dark Eldar are basically the same as ever, except the units nobody ever took are worth taking and you can make a haemonculi army, which is completely differant to anything the old Dark Eldar could do.

Though from a differant opinion, the old Dark Eldar book had wyches and grotesques as elites and warriors as troops, while the new one has wyches and grotesques wracks as troops and (trueborn) warriors as elites).

Dark Eldar are very fragile (unless you're taking one of those aformented game changing haemonculi armies), especially to S4 AP5 shooting. Their S3 can also be a horrible detriment in close combat. Their poisoned guns are even with boltguns against t4 and great against monstrous creatures, but against T3 you won't feel special and if the enemy has a 4+ save you'll wish you had lasguns and were half the points. For this and a few other reasons warriors aren't very popular as troops. Only time mine really shined is when their guns tore a wraithlord apart.

Dark Eldar transports are fragile, but in the end so are armour 11 tank ones. Transports rarely last long and Dark Eldar get more out of being able to assault after moving than they lose from the +1 to the damage chart. Its like having an ork trukk that for twice the price can fly and has an infinate shot hunter killer.

I'm guess that the only way to play Dark Eldar at high points values is to spam 4+ of the same troops choice. My one of both choices list does okay at 1000 points but its wyches die eventually even if I win. Twice they've been massacred on turn 1-2 and I've won. At 2000 points I plan on having 4 units of wyches and 2 units of wracks, all in raiders.

Pretty much every unit in the Dark Eldar army can be made to be able to kill anything, and in a few cases this is even a good idea. With 6 units of wyches with agonisers and haywire grenades you don't worry about your enemy causing serious problems. Even if they tie you up with walkers you just need 1 6 and then next round he's probably stunned or immobalised so you can hit on 4s. If not you have a 4+ invulnerable save and maybe a shardnet to protect you.

The standard dark eldar tactic remains charging forwards as fast as possible in your paper planes and hoping the half that gets to the enemy without dying is enough to butcher than to a man.

Way back in the early days of 3rd edition the guys who played Dark Eldar in White Dwarf had a motto. Strike hard, strike fast, strike first. It still pretty much applies.